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Sustainable Clean Hygiene and Infection prevention solution

Sustainability in healthcare cleaning, hygiene, and disinfection involves implementing practices that effectively control infections while minimize  environmental impact and resource consumption. Here  we are  promoting some strategies that help   our clients to achieve  their goal.

Environmentally Friendly

Choose cleaning products that are biodegradable, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly with certifications.


Tools like such as microfiber mop heads, microfiber cloths, and sponges instead of disposable alternatives.

Chemical Reduction

Help to recommend right products & minimize the use of harsh chemicals and disinfectants whenever possible

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency cleaning equipment and appliances with high energy efficiency ratings to minimize energy consumption.

Proper Dilution

Proper Dilution and Dosage with aid of Dosing pumps to reduce wastages and contribute to reduce environmental pollution.

Empowering People

Provide training and education to cleaning staff on sustainable cleaning practices, including proper product usage

Our Solutions To Your Problem


Entrance Matting

Entrance matting boosts hospital safety, cleanliness, infection control, protects floors, and lowers housekeeping costs by reducing contaminants, accidents, and maintenance needs


House Keeping

Our hospital housekeeping ensures a clean, safe, and germ-free environment, preventing infections and promoting well-being for patients, visitors, and healthcare workers.




Infection Prevention

Hospital Infection Prevention is Crucial to protect patients and health care workers and visitors from acquiring and transmitting infections

Washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is the most effective way to prevent infection transmission. 



Hospital Kitchen Hygiene

Maintain a safe, spotless kitchen with smart hygiene practices to protect your family from germs and foodborne illnesses. Health begins with a clean kitchen.


Hospital Laundry

By ensuring that all linens and fabrics are properly cleaned, disinfected, and
maintained, hospitals can create a safer and more comfortable environment for
patients, staff, and visitors.


High Touch Surface's

Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces like bed rails, door handles, and medical equipment is crucial in hospitals to prevent infection spread.


Whats  gets measured  gets improved -Peter Drucker

We help to measure cleaning and disinfection tasks, activities done by healthcare workers through Cleaning Verification tools & Machines.

Gadin Medi Tech is dedicated to providing sustainable solutions for healthcare cleaning, hygiene, and disinfection. With a focus on creating healthier, safer, environments, we provide  consultation, wide range of products, education, and services to meet the standards and for continuous improvement  at  healthcare  and  their professionals.

Know more about us

We help  to reduce cleaning workforce effort ,occupational hazards, property damage, improve indoor air  quality through right knowledge ,education ,setting cleaning standards, recommending right products, procedures ,protocols etc.

Improve effectiveness ,efficiency of their work and minimize the error to improve positive patient outcomes through modern cleaning machines ,microfibre mops, Organized cleaning trolleys, novel chemistries and technologies.


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